This year has been filled with obstacles to overcome and challenges for all of us to face.It really seems that humanity is going through another of its “bad moments”.
As on many other occasions, art is probably an answer to all of this: if our music has managed to distract even one of you for the duration of a song, our intent has been achieved.
During this 2022 we have silently done what we like most, play our instruments and create something new. We had the opportunity, continuing the auditions, to play with outstanding drummers and finally find our travel companion who we can’t wait to officially present to you and let you listen to on the new record.
Speaking of the new album, 7 tracks are complete and smoking hot while the rest are already in the works.
During these holidays we have had the opportunity to meet all together and review the work done so far and we have never had such a positive feeling.

The first day of 2023 is upon us and we want to greet it with this image, taken while listening to the demo of our next album: six friends, sitting together to drink, joke, and listen to music.
Happy New Year to you all!